Indiana Ave NW and Court Location
Dublin Core
Indiana Ave NW and Court Location
Items related to the CAVC's physical location and offices.
Collection Items
Ground Broken for 11-Story Building in NW
Details about the initial construction efforts at 625 Indiana Ave NW, the home of the CAVC.
625 Indiana Ave NW - Previous Structure
Site of what would eventually be the home building of the Court.
This small pro-Civil War store building, With a frontage of 23'-4'', has a brick and cast-iron facade of attractive character, now in deteriorating condition. The first story has…
This small pro-Civil War store building, With a frontage of 23'-4'', has a brick and cast-iron facade of attractive character, now in deteriorating condition. The first story has…
625 Indiana Ave NW - Building Survey (Previous Structure)
Detailed history of the building located at 625 Indiana Ave NW, before the current structure was built in the late 1980s. This report was completed in the early 1980s, while the previous structure still stood. The detailed history includes previous…