Browse Items (44 total)

Hagel and Marinelli In the Opinion May 1994.pdf
Article on the early construction of the court, written as Q&A with Chief Judge Nebeker. It also includes the beginning of an article titled VA Claims: From Application to Benefits by Bonnie Marinelli on the claims process.

Hagel Court to Arizona April 1993.pdf
Article detailing the Court's first panel oral argument outside of DC. This was held in Phoenix, Arizona at the Arizona State Court Building.

Himelstein One Court With Shortage 5 4 92.pdf
Article detailing the lack of lawyers working in veterans law during the early years of the court. This covers the need for more pro bono cases and less pro se.

Perry Blazing Trails 1994.pdf
Magazine article on the early years of the Court and Chief Judge Nebeker's actions to set the Court up. It includes profiles of other important figures in these early years and the Court's relationship with the VA.

Balditch Cranston Warns Bush 5 19 90.pdf
Article detailing the process behind possible nominations for the Veterans Court.

Balditch Top Cranston Aide 6 16 90.pdf
Article discussing Jonathan Steinberg as a possible nominee to the Veterans Court.

26ClearinghouseRev Veterans law developments 1993.pdf
Updates about the state of veterans law at the beginning of 1993. Topics include the start of the legal services pro bono program, the Court, the Board, and claims specific to presumptive service connection to Agent Orange.

Earley Skilled Shadow Player 12 24 84.pdf
Article detailing Jonathan Steinberg during his years as chief counsel to the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee.

Transcript - 1st Conference for Publication.pdf
Transcript of the first judicial conference, held on September 17, 1992.

Transcript - 2nd Conference for Publication.pdf
Transcript of the second judicial conference, held on October 18-19, 1993.
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