Browse Items (46 total)

Balditch Top Cranston Aide 6 16 90.pdf
Article discussing Jonathan Steinberg as a possible nominee to the Veterans Court.

26ClearinghouseRev Veterans law developments 1993.pdf
Updates about the state of veterans law at the beginning of 1993. Topics include the start of the legal services pro bono program, the Court, the Board, and claims specific to presumptive service connection to Agent Orange.

Earley Skilled Shadow Player 12 24 84.pdf
Article detailing Jonathan Steinberg during his years as chief counsel to the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee.

Transcript - 1st Conference for Publication.pdf
Transcript of the first judicial conference, held on September 17, 1992.

Transcript - 2nd Conference for Publication.pdf
Transcript of the second judicial conference, held on October 18-19, 1993.

Transcript - 3rd Conference for Publication.pdf
Transcript of the third judicial conference, held on October 17-18, 1994.

Transcript - 4th Conference for Publication.pdf
Transcript of the fourth judicial conference, held on September 16-17, 1996.

Transcript - 5th Conference for Publication.pdf
Transcript of the fifth judicial conference, held on September 14-15, 1998.

Transcript - 6th Conference for Publication.pdf
Transcript of the sixth judicial conference, held on September 18-19, 2000.

Transcript - 7th Conference for Publication.pdf
Transcript of the first judicial conference, held on September 19-20, 2002.

Transcript - 8th Conference for Publication.pdf
Transcript of the eighth judicial conference, held on April 22-23, 2004.

Transcript - 9th Conference for Publication.pdf
Transcript of the ninth judicial conference, held on April 24-25, 2006.

Transcript - 10th Conference for Publication.pdf
Transcript of the tenth judicial conference, held on April 14-15, 2008.

Transcript - 11th Conference for Publication.pdf
Transcript of the eleventh judicial conference, held on March 4-5, 2010.

Transcript - 12th Conference for Publication.pdf
Transcript of the twelfth judicial conference, held on April 18-19, 2013.

Transcript - 13th Conference for Publication.pdf
Transcript of the thirteenth judicial conference, held on April 14-15-2016.

Transcript - 14th Conference for Publication.pdf
Transcript of the fourteenth judicial conference, held on April 11-12, 2019.

Transcript - 15th Conference for Publication.pdf
Transcript of the fifteenth judicial conference, held on April 7-8, 2022.
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