Browse Items (46 total)

Hagel and Marinelli In the Opinion May 1994.pdf
Article on the early construction of the court, written as Q&A with Chief Judge Nebeker. It also includes the beginning of an article titled VA Claims: From Application to Benefits by Bonnie Marinelli on the claims process.

Franklin Judgment Day December 1989.pdf
Article summarizing the new court, why it was necessary, the appeals process, and profiles of the first three Judges: Chief Judge Nebeker, Judge Kramer, and Judge Mankin. It also discusses prospective judges yet to be nominated.

Markon Veterans Court Backlog 4 23 11.pdf
Article covering the rise in cases at the CAVC in the 21st century and the wait times associated with the CAVC ruling on these cases. It also cites a lack of judges at the CAVC and the delay in the nomination process.

Weible Veterans Appeals Court Swamped 5 3 93.pdf
Details the backlog at the VA and the Court during the early years.

History of 625 Indiana Ave NW.pdf
Detailed history of the building located at 625 Indiana Ave NW, before the current structure was built in the late 1980s. This report was completed in the early 1980s, while the previous structure still stood. The detailed history includes previous…

1967 Photo.jpg
Site of what would eventually be the home building of the Court.

This small pro-Civil War store building, With a frontage of 23'-4'', has a brick and cast-iron facade of attractive character, now in deteriorating condition. The first story has…

Bloomfield Persevere When Dealing August 1991.pdf
Article recommending best practices for those working with the Veterans Court.

DAV Magazine articles June 1991.pdf
Article detailing how the court works and the role of VSOs in working with the court on cases. It especially concentrates on the role of the DAV in forming the court itself and court policy. It also features an interview with Chief Judge Nebeker.

McAllister Veterans Court Knocks Derwinski 12 9 91.pdf
Details the early relationship between the Court and the VA. This extended as far as possible monetary sanctions and the role of attorneys at the Court.

McAllister Veterans Court Judge Assails 10 21 94.pdf
Details the at times contentious relationship between the new court and the VA. Issues pertaining to precedence and the backlog of unresolved claims are covered.

McAllister Program Continuity Pledged 11 17 94.pdf
Article covering the passing of the torch for chairmanship of the House Veterans Committee as Rep. Sonny Montgomery (D-Miss) will no longer be in the majority. It discusses that Rep. Bob Stump will most likely be the new chair.

McAllister Plan to Shift VA Critic 5 18 90.pdf
Article about the ongoing drama regarding Jonathan Steinberg's nomination and the early years of setting up the Court.

McAllister First Footprints 2 8 90.pdf
Article detailing the first case to have an oral argument at the Court. The case was regarding benefits to a widow of a Minnesota veteran who had been exposed to radiation during atomic bomb tests in the Pacific.

McAllister Court's Appeal Fades .pdf
Article detailing the backlog at the VA, with some finger pointing at the new Court as a possible reason. Remands to the Board are positioned unfavorably by VA officials.

McAllister 10 Years Too Long 2 25 90.pdf
Article about a ruling in the first case argued before the court. It decided that 10 years was too long for a decision and sent the case back to the VA to be decided within six months.

625 Indiana Ave NW Groundbreaking.pdf
Details about the initial construction efforts at 625 Indiana Ave NW, the home of the CAVC.

Kornhauser Today's Veterans 2 18 91.pdf
Article summarizing NVLSP and reactions to the CAVC's early decisions and rule making. It details problems that have arisen, to include the lack of available attorneys with knowledge of veterans law.

8 Feb 1991 Legal Times article regarding rights and advocacy.pdf
Article documenting the changes brought by the addition of a court of appeals for claims adjudication.

Kamen Chamber Plot.pdf
Article covering the DAV complaints about the nominated judges and the announcement of William Greene as a nominee.
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